ATFUs starting point is a well-known fact: the contemporary art system values only an INSIGHTFUL proportion of artists. Weve created an app that enables artists to become collectors by swapping their works with one another. By swapping, pieces circulate and gain visibility instead of being hidden away and poorly stored in studios. Its the starting point for a network of artists from all over the world, whose activity generates trends that lead to the emergence of new visual artists... Artists create their own ratings. Our aim is to create a movement that establishes a more egalitarian order within the art market. Artists are at the heart of the reactor; its time for their tastes and intuitions to work in their favor.
— The principle :
On ATFU, artists meet by bartering their pieces. They build up their art collections as they go along.
— How does it work?
1/ swiping anonymous artworks
Swipe right: the piece enters your favorites library
Swipe left: youre not interested at the moment
Click on it: access to more details
Handshake: swap proposal
Please note: artists identities are concealed until the match! Equality guaranteed, speculation destroyed.
2/ discovering catalogs
Artists are invited to look through each others catalogs to agree on a swap.
To swap, you need to add a piece, with the necessary information (complete cartel, a good-quality picture) and other recommendations (note of intent, + pictures).
Youll receive a notification when an artist adds your work to their favorites or offers you a swap. You can then access their catalog and choose a work in return if youre interested.
3/ messaging: its reciprocal, meet each other!
Youll find out who the artist behind the work is, and youll be able to chat, discover each others work and agree on the terms of the exchange.
— What do you swap?
You can post pieces that have not been sold, have already been shown, or are stored in the studio or a brand new one. It’s up to you. They can be single pieces or multiples.
In addition, whats on the periphery of the works is also a field to exploit: experimental prints, studio tests, preparatory sketches, works not accepted by your gallery owners...
— The plusses :
- your works acquire value when they circulate
- unclog your studios and fill your salons
- meet artists from all over the world
- contribute to your own quotation
— The rules on ATFU:
- only post works of which you are the creator
- have only one account on ATFU
- post high-quality photos (yellow, dark, blurred photos)
- provide as much detail as possible for each of your pieces
- ensure the authenticity of your work
- respect others and discuss with kindness
- report abusive behavior
And A Toutes Fins Utiles, no euros or cryptos: your wealth is your coins.
— Subscriptions
The application is free.